Content monetization

Commercial content including, but not limited to, videos, is absolutely permitted for games by bluehexagons, such as Antistatic.

Antistatic's music is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. Commercial use is granted when played alongside gameplay or other video content, regardless of subject. It may not be entered into content matching services (for example, ContentID).

Examples of allowed commercial use: reviews, commentary, reactions, critique, combo videos, Twitch streams, for Antistatic or any other game/content.

Examples of disallowed commercial use: uploading the music to YouTube

bluehexagons retains the right to revoke this license for anyone at any time, but probably won't bother.


About the Game

Antistatic is a traditional platform fighting game, developed by a long-time competitive player of the genre. As such, many mechanics will be familiar.

About bluehexagons

bluehexagons is Loren "Terral" Crain, former lead programmer for Air Dash Online, and long-time Melee enthusiast who has competed in countless local tournaments (and easily-counted regionals) for every game in the franchise over the last decade. Antistatic has been in the works as a largely part-time endeavor for seven years, built in a fully-custom bespoke engine.

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