Stack Overview
Antistatic's engine is split into two parts: A native portion written in C, and a higher-level piece written using TypeScript which runs on Node.js. The graphics API is OpenGL.
While minimal, some libraries were used to smooth things over. Starting with the native side:
- SDL2 handles window management, receiving input from keyboard/mouse/XInput, and the OpenGL context
- GLEW takes care of managing OpenGL function pointers
- FreeType is used for font rendering
- libusb allows direct access to GameCube controller adapters
- OpenAL Soft plays audio
- libvorbisfile decodes audio files
- stb, while not a library, is a handy set of C header files used for its HashTables
And some npm packages, too:
- gl-matrix is a fantastic, lightweight matrix and vector library
- Fluent provides the FTL file format, used for translations, and language negotiation
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